

Axel’s tips for a safe warehouse!

  • Educat and engage your staff
  • Prepare for and adapt the warehouse to future changes; think about how your business will evolve over time
  • Good lighting is crucial for safety
  • Make sure you have properly designed forklift aisles tailored to your business; the dimensions and width depend on the type of forklift you use
  • Acquire a high-quality, stable pallet racking system. A good-quality pallet rack is a big investment but it’s much more cost effective to do things properly from the beginning rather than having to rebuild, modify and supplement afterwards. A lower-quality pallet rack also requires more maintenance and repairs, which can be costly in the long run.
  • Make sure that the entire pallet rack is properly dimensioned, i.e. that the dimensions are chosen according to the standard for current loads and heights
  • Provide the right equipment in the form of column guards, collision and impact guards, anti-collapse protection, mesh decking and mesh shelves.

Hope this helps you – if you have questions, send us a mail or give us a call! 

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